Friday, December 19, 2014


The Project
My biggest struggle throughout this project was probably getting all of the footage that we needed as well as organizing it all in a manner that made sense to the viewers. I am most proud of the final cut because of all the hard work that I put into making the documentary come to life along with some new found editing skills. I would have tried to get a better interview with the professional chili makers if I could change anything because the current one was somewhat spastic. I was personally responsible for the setting up the interviews as well as conducting Zacks and my mothers, the editing, the storage, the transportation, and the uploading.  I think through this project Beth, Lina, Sabrina and I became friends, we had a group text and Lina would always keep up with deadlines and remind us that we needed to meet up and work on the video. I feel like my portion was a tad bit heavy but overall I believe that everyone contributed a fair amount.

The Class
I think the documentaries that we watched especially the coal one was beneficial, driving around now I am more aware of the bumper stickers that I see on the back of people's cars that are in memory of a coal worker. The documentaries did not really change the way I think about the campus I think because we all tended to stray away from the campus aspect of each topic. My public speaking has improved when it comes to body language as well as focusing in and being more organized with my thoughts. I did enjoy learning how the different styles of communication function without writing four essays! I do believe that your style was helpful and was also enjoyable however before everyone was comfortable with discussion it felt as if you were trying to pull teeth and made it kinda uncomfortable. But overall the class was an amazing learning opportunity. I might suggest trying a few traditional ice breakers not as deep but rather light and casual. If I could change something about the course it would be the hard grading and limited grade opportunities.