Tuesday, September 9, 2014

TED Talk Speech Reflection

There are many aspects that are incorporated into making a good speech ranging from how loud you are able to project your voice to your self-confidence. The long list of things can either make or break a speech and through analyzing the TED talk speeches, all essentially well thought-out and delivered stories there are things that each of the individuals could work on to improve the effectiveness of their speech no matter the objective.

In the first video I watched, Zak Ebrahim tells the story of how is father was a terrorist and how he decided to choose peace once his father presented him an opportunity to follow in his footsteps. Zak Ebrahim’s delivers the story with a very calm demeanor with little emotion in his voice. The tone throughout gives off an almost melancholy vibe rather than emotional.  In order to improve Ebrahim’s speech, once the story is over, I would suggest being a little more lively almost motivational. He tends to stand very still and talk with his hands and not move around. The speech has the potential of being more motivational with the use of syntactical devices such as anaphora as well as a more interactive demeanor. The speech would be very much improved with slight adjustments in body language and overall tone.

In the second video I watched, Sally Kohn tells a story about the use of social media and how it is used to provoke personal attacks on people generally more focused on people of color, homosexuality, or that are just slightly to the left of the social norm. She tells her audience that what we click on when we use the internet is more than just a private encounter but you are actually more likely to encounter things of the same nature if you do click on it rather you didn’t. Sally manipulates a light tone throughout the speech as well as comedy to keep her audience intrigued. However, Sally could manipulate her body language and voice projection to emphasis her points as well as improve her speech overall. The speech however overall was delivered very well, slightly confusing in some  aspects however overall the delivery and effectiveness was great.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

It's a Man's, Man's, Man's World

Scott Mendelson's divergent perspective in regards to the nude photos being leaked of prominent celebrities such as Jennifer Lawrence is truly eye opening. It breaks the orthodox way of critisizing women oppose to the men or group of men involved in exploiting the woman's body in relation to situations such as these. Mendelson goes on to say that "The theft via cell phone hacking of countless nude photos, real or doctored, of various female celebrities is not a 'scandal' to be mocked and teased about as if it were a public wardrobe malfunction or a gaffe". The article critiques the way in which our society goes about in handling situations like this and how we would rather point fingers at the woman involved in the situation rather than the person who stole the private pictures. We create a society where it is unacceptable to privately undress in front of a camera but condole the man who stole private property and leaked it for the public to view, solely for personal satisfaction. Mendelson proves a solid point by revealing a societal flaw overlooked by the masses and uncovering a deeper failing in regards to how we educate women to prevent sexual exploitations but disregard the primary factor, the man in the situation. Perhaps our society should educate about sexual assault in a more proportional manner and start with the young men of today's generation. I strongly agree with Mendelson's analysis of the situation. I feel as if the women in these positions are in a sense being "cyber raped" and our society would rather accept the "rapist" rather than accept that these photographs were made with no intentions of the public viewing them, for their own satisfaction. Our modern culture is accredited with breaking the glass ceiling and allowing women to succeed but we will forever live in a "Man's, Man's World" without uncovering the underlying issues in regards to the manner in which men respect women, their bodies, as well as their privacy. The exploitation of a woman's body via the internet is cruel and hopefully one day our society will be able to grasp the concept of cyber bullying and break the chain.